Monday, May 17, 2010

I am in Bethesda, Maryland!

After a long flight, I finally arrived at my destination: Bethesda, Maryland. Here, I will be visiting with my Host family, who will take me to Washington, D.C.! My host family is very nice. As soon as I arrived, they invited me in and showed me around their house. 

Here I am relaxing in their living room.

They have all sorts of cool baby toys in this house, like this swing!

However, I found an even better swing in the kitchen!

Here I am at the dinner table. 

After dinner, I sat on the couch with the remote and looked for something to watch on TV.

I found my favorite show!

Then I went upstairs...

I had to be quiet because the baby is sleeping. Look at all her pretty clothes! These dresses would probably fit me, but there's no way I'm wearing girl clothes! Yuck!

Check out this cool guitar! I may have to play some tunes later...

Anyway, here I am at the desk getting ready to write my first blog post about my trip! I'll be checking back each night to tell you about my adventures. I hope you like reading my blog!

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