Thursday, May 27, 2010

I went to the WHITE HOUSE and saw the PRESIDENT!

My last day in Washington, D.C., was by far the BEST! I really wanted to go to the White House, so I stayed in Washington a few extra days. And today, my wish came true! Here I am at the White House!

Here I am entering the East Wing. The East Wing is where the president and his family live. They live upstairs. Downstairs there are two big halls and several rooms, like the Blue Room and Red Room that are used for formal events like today's reception.

Getting closer... Almost inside!

Here is a view from the front steps of the White House!

Today, the president hosted a reception at the White House for Jewish American Heritage Month in the East Room. Check it out... Here I am... with President Barack Obama!

So guess who else I saw? I saw Sandy Koufax! He's a Hall of Fame pitcher who refused to pitch on Yom Kippur, even though the high holy day fell during the World Series! I didn't get a photo with Sandy, but here is a snapshot I took of him. The blonde woman is five-time Olympic swimmer Dara Torres.

Anyway, back outside the White House, I went to check out the Press Room. The low building to the right is the Press Room. There are little offices where all the reporters work at computers and a big room with theater chairs for briefings.

And here I am inside the Press Briefing Room! Look familiar? This is where the president and press secretary Robert Gibbs hold news conferences with reporters!

Finally, here I am back outside the Press Room facing the West Wing. The TV cameras are always set up for interviews with important people.

And here I am in front of the West Wing. The West Wing is where the Oval Office is located. Too bad I didn't get to see the Oval! Maybe next time! Until then, goodbye Washington, D.C. I had a great time!

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