Sunday, May 23, 2010

I saw the MONUMENTS!

Today was the best day ever! We drove downtown and I got to see the MONUMENTS on the National Mall. This long rectangle park in the middle of Washington, D.C., is full of wonderful things to see.

We started at the Lincoln Memorial. Here I am with one of my hosts and the baby! I was so excited they had to hold me so I wouldn't run up the stairs to see the statue of Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States.

Here I am with the giant statue of President Abraham Lincoln! Some of his most famous speeches are written on the walls, like the Gettysburg address, which starts out "Four score and seven years ago... " That means 87 years ago in fancy presidential language.

This next picture was taken from the top of the steps at the Lincoln Memorial. The view is of the Washington Monument and the Reflecting Pool. Amazing!

Our next stop was at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, which contains more than 58,000 names of those who died in the war. Many people come from all over to find a name of a loved one on the wall. Some leave flowers too.

Next, we walked to the World War II Memorial, which honors the more than 16 million who served and 400,000 who died. This is the newest monument on the National Mall. In the background, you can see the Lincoln Memorial!

The World War II Memorial has pillars representing all the states and territories in the U.S. Here I am next to each of the three states that I have been to: New Jersey, Maryland and Virginia!

Finally, here is the Washington Monument! There are stairs inside and if you get a ticket, you can actually climb to the top! That's an adventure I'll have to save until next time.

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