Thursday, May 20, 2010

A visit to the U.S. Capitol!

Wow, another great day of exploring in Washington, D.C. Today, we headed to the U.S. Capitol. I've always seen this building on TV and had no idea what to expect. It was like walking into a movie! Here I am in front of the Capitol. What a great scenic shot!

We entered the Capitol and had to go through metal detectors while security guards went through our bags. Wow! Once inside, we walked along the ornate hallway to the Crypt. Here I am sitting at the very center of Washington, D.C. All addresses and distances are measured from this star in the middle of the room!

Next, we headed up to the Rotunda, a 96-foot circular room filled with impressive paintings and statues.

Check me out, that's the inside of the Capitol dome above me! It's 180 feet and three inches to the top!

Here I am sitting on a bench beside an important painting in the Rotunda!

Right next to the Rotunda is the old U.S. House chamber, which was in use until 1857. It's now called Statuary Hall and houses many of the Capitol's collection of statues.

Each state is allowed to have TWO statues of important people in the state's history. Many of these statues are of people that no one has heard of anymore. So a law was passed a few years back to allow states to switch out older statues for newer ones.

Click HERE to find out what statues each state has.

The two most important rooms in the Capitol are the House and Senate chambers. The House chamber is bigger since there are 435 House members and 5 non-voting delegates (like the the one from the District of Columbia) and only 100 senators. You're not allowed to take photos in there, so here are some photos to let you see what the chambers look like. This is the House Chamber:

And this is the Senate Chamber:

Next, we headed to the brand new Capitol Visitor's Center! Here I am overlooking Emancipation Hall in the new CVC. The big statue behind me is a replica of the one on the very top of the Capitol dome.

Finally... Shopping! We had stop at the gift shop to buy something for my friend Lexi to thank her for this awesome trip!

After our great visit at the Capitol, we walked outside and I got to take this cool picture out front. What an awesome day!

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