Friday, May 21, 2010

I visited the SEC and Federal Reserve!

Today was interesting... I toured two places that are important within the financial industry, plus got to see where the vice president lives and a place that promotes peace!

My first stop was the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. This is where one of my hosts works. He is a senior enforcement lawyer here. He says that the SEC is important because it makes sure that any investments you make are safe by going after the "bad guys" who seek to rip off unknowing investors. 

On the way to my next stop, I ran into these protestors! How exciting! They were carrying signs and said they were from the National Chamber of Commerce. They are standing up for the rights of small businesses. I'm not sure what they are protesting, but check me out! They have signs! Yeah!

OK, this was my second stop of the day: The Federal Reserve. This building also deals with the financial industry. But this place doesn't investigate anything. They set monetary policy. I'm not really sure what that means, but I think it has something to do with interest rates. For example, if your parents buy a new house and they get a GOOD interest rate then they will have extra money left over to buy you toys and clothes! I think. Better ask your parents to be sure.

Down the street from the Federal Reserve is this place... The U.S. Institute of Peace! This group helps prevent and end wars and encourages peace. How cool is that?!

On our way back to Maryland, we drove past the U.S. Naval Observatory. My picture isn't very good since I took it out the window of the car. But the important thing about this place is that this is where Vice President Joe Biden lives! 

Below is a better picture of the vice president's house. Cool!

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